Collette Divitto – My Journey Is Just Beginning

A Great Moment – A Caring Generation

I think about only two years ago when WBZ News followed me to drop off my 10 packages of cookies at The Golden Goose to sell. They stopped me and asked who I was and about my cookies. Then they said “Can we tell your story on our TV news show”. I was like hmmmm…YES!!! Well as soon as they did within 1 month I had 4000 orders and NO idea what that meant or what to do. The owner of The Golden Goose told me to get my Mom and come in to meet with him. He offered his kitchen to me and my staff (which was just me) for every night during the week. I was not sure what to do but I said GREAT. My sister Blake was at Northeastern University and had a lot of friends in all different colleges around Boston. She reached out to everyone she knew and built me all my social media platforms which she used to ask for volunteers. Within a week I had at 8-15 volunteers helping me everyday for months till I fulfilled all my orders and the new orders. I had NEU Baseball team, girls hockey team, Wheaton College men’s Lacrosse, BU business school students, Harvard Law, Boston College, Suffolk…I can’t even remember them all off the top of my head. But it was AMAZING. Everyone was so excited for me and to help me. If any of you are reading this I thank you from the bottom of my heart and will always remember this time as one of the greatest experiences of my LIFE. xoxo -Collette